A friendly church?

I have a question.
What makes a church a friendly church?
Is a friendly church the same as a loving church?
Are people friendly (or loving) to you when you attend a church service?
Are you friendly (or loving) to others when you attend a church service?

Do you talk to the people you know, or do you try to connect with people you don’t know?
Do you stand at the side and wait?
Do you count how many people talk to you, or note that NO ONE talked to you?

Are you glad to see people at church?
Do you tell them?
Do members and guests feel that people are glad to see them?
Do you love (not like, not feel good about) the people you see?
Do you see them – all of them, like you – as much-loved children of God, warts and all?
Jesus said that people would know we were His followers by the way we loved each other (John 13:35)….

No program will make Hope a more loving church.
It takes me (and you) – each one of us – to decide to become more loving, and to do it.
Starting now!
If you’re not sure what that means, check out 1 Corinthians 13:1-8.
Think about specific people at church when you read this.
Ask the Lord to help you become more loving.

May we all notice the difference this Sunday!


  1. Thanks Liz, this is a confirmation to me again of what the Lord has been impressing on my heart. All of the programs, strategic plans and initiatives that we devise cannot change our hearts or change the church. There are lots of good things that keep us busy (like Martha), but one thing is necessary (like Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus). The surrender and taming of the heart is the hardest and most important thing we can do. He will soften our hearts to others and the result will be a greater love for people (not just friendliness). Friendliness as a strategy is a waste of time, but as a fruit of a transformed heart, it will produce amazing results! Your comments and prayers are appreciated! Pastor Norm.

  2. Hi there, I have been surfing and came accross your website. I took a moment to think about your pondering and wonder if our love for each other is a reflection of our relationship with Jesus and how much time we spend in His presence. Seems to me that one has an effect on the other. Thanks for looking after His people, I will pray for you to truly know his unbreakable love in your fellowship. Liz 🙂

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