Apr 12 — Mark 14:32-65

SCRIPTURE: Mark 14:32-65

Jesus takes the same ones He took up the mountain when He was “transfigured” (Matthew 17:1-2).
Jesus agonizes with God in prayer, and He is overwhelmed with emotion, “deeply distressed and troubled”.
“Abba” was the Aramaic term for ‘daddy’.
Jesus pleads for another way, but remains committed to doing whatever the Father asks Him.
It must have been frustrating to Jesus that His disciples did not feel the gravity of the moment, that they did not stay up with Him in this moment of deep distress.
Betrayed by a kiss!!!
It was Peter who sliced off the ear of Malchus (John 18:10) but Jesus heals him (Luke 22;50-51).
Only Mark mentions “young man” Was this Mark’s way of saying, “I was there too”? Why else would he insert such a trivial detail in so solemn a story?
The evidence against Jesus was pathetic, it was not until Jesus clearly declared that He was the messiah (quoting Daniel 7:13) that He is charged with blasphemy.
The cruel treatment of Jesus was at the hands of the temple guards.

It is not wrong to be deeply distressed or troubled, and to agonize in prayer. Jesus demonstrates the struggle that following God will involve.
“The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” – this is a classic line that well-describes my own heart at times.
Like the disciples I am often confused by what the Lord is doing (or wants me to do). How often has the church raised the sword in the name of the Lord. Jesus did not come to raise a sword, yet to this day the church endorses force of arms in the Lord’s name.
I would have run away to, but like Peter I would have wanted to see what would happen. A mixture of bravery and fear!

Lord, so often we don’t get what You are up to. We run ahead of You, or we run away from You. Help us to stay close to You, to watch and pray like You. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak! Amen.

One Comment

  1. Jesus in the garden reminds me of the words of the Lord’s prayer – Thy will be done! Jesus Christ submitted to the will of the Lord. The disciples were not even prepared to watch and pray during this time of trial. This tells me that I need to spend much time in prayer, especially when the going gets difficult. However, I too, like the disciples, escape by running away or even falling asleep to hearing and doing Your Word. I must be careful in my daily walk, traveling only where I should go, not walking into temptations where I will deny my Lord in order not to be recognized as Christian by name. My Words and deeds must be aligned so that I serve my King, so that I am not overpowered by my limited vision, or the world around me. Lord, teach me to pray so that I stay

    Man of Sorrows! what a name For the Son of God, Who came
    Ruined sinners to reclaim. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

    Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned He stood;
    Sealed my pardon with His blood. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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