Inspired to join in!

“If you remain silent at this time, deliverance will arise from another place.” (Esther 4:14)
I am God’s image-bearer (and so are you), called to lead this world with God-like character.
The story of the world, (and my story) is one of failure to fulfill our roles.
We are silent when we should speak, and we speak when we should be silent.
What we say, and what we do – like Haman – is often driven by selfish agendas.
Why don’t I visit or help that person, why do I say those hurtful words?
I’m just being honest about myself; I fall short in many ways, and others are affected.
Mordecai’s words are not meant to condemn Esther, but to inspire her.
Through him, the Lord is inspiring me to see that I am a partner with Him.
He wants to use me to bring His relief and deliverance into the world.
But though I can be part of God’s deliverance, it is not dependent on me.
If I fail, or perform poorly, God’s grace will still find a way to triumph.
Today I am inspired to say or do something for Jesus, and trust it will succeed!
He has me here “for such a time as this” (4:14), to be His voice, hands and feet.
With or without me, His love will triumph… will I choose to join in?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, inspire me to speak and act for You, like Esther did, confident that Your grace will win, no matter what.


  1. I keep thinking that this blog is one of the opportunities God is providing my faith community to grow in their faith. People are telling me that they want to grow, and some of them are taking steps to grow. But too many are not stepping up, not joining in.

    TDK, I think we can both agree that God has used this time reflecting together to help us grow… after many years of journaling and sharing together.

    What I want to know is how we can inspire others to join in. I know I would benefit from the presence and participation of others, sharing from the heart.

    Who knows, maybe you came to this blog, this comment, “for such a time as this”. Maybe God wants to use your reflections and prayers to bring “relief and deliverance” to others!!!!

    I’m not worried, I know that God always finds a way to be heard. But I hate for you to miss out on a God opportunity to grow, and help others grow.


  2. Fasting.
    Finding the way to do His will.
    Be in tune with God.
    Walking His Way.
    How do I seek His was for my life?
    I need to walk with Him. spend time with Him, and follow His leadig and not man’s leading.
    I need to be in tune today and everyday to His Voice saying – this is the way. Walk in it.

    How can I, Lord, keep my way pure?
    To Your Word I must be true.
    So I seek You with my whole heart;
    Do not let me stray from You.

    Your Word’s hidden in my heart, Lord,
    That I might not go astray.
    Praise to You, O Lord, my Father;
    Teach me Your decrees each day.

    With my lips I recount gladly
    All the laws You’ve giv’n to man.
    I rejoice in all Your statutes,
    As in wealth too vast to scan.

    Meditating on Your precepts,
    I consider all Your ways.
    I delight in Your decrees, Lord;
    I will never turn away.

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