Refuse to let go!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 5:30-34
“Your faith has healed you.” (Mark 5:34)
Faith is not a magic formula, nor a set of beliefs that one must hold.
This woman did not know how healing worked, nor who Jesus was.
But in this one desperate act, she reached out – hoping against hope.
It was the hopeful reach of her heart, a grasping at hope in Jesus.
Disappointment can hinder faith, but it cannot stop it.
Job had a faith that held on, even if he wasn’t healed right away.
Every day again he reached out to God – in anger, in frustration, in desperate hope.
But he was still reaching, even if it was not perfect or complete faith.
I see faith as like Jacob’s refusing to let go until he was blessed (Genesis 32:26).
God’s power flows into those who reach out to Him.
How His power works, what His power does, I cannot always say.
Sometimes it is healing, sometimes comfort, but it is always something.
Are you suffering, are you desperate… keep reaching out to Jesus.
Refuse to let go of His cloak until you feel His power flowing through you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes discouragement causes me to loosen my grip. But letting go is worse than hanging on and waiting. So as I am able, I refuse to let go, until Your power flows through me!

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