1. A life impacting video because there are several messages that can be taken. Another twist is that often, we choose to ‘toss’ the money in the can without any investment of ourselves.

    This well dressed buisness man could have just ‘tossed’ some change a few dollars perhaps and just walked on as all the others. However, he knew there was more he was called to do. He stopped, invested his time by taking the time to let the man connect with his feet (meet him) and who knows how dirty those hands were, he then continued to give the time to re-write the sign. The fact that he did check his watch, reveals he was conscious of his time. Did it end there? No, he stopped on the way back, again, connecting with the man by allowing him to touch his shoes. He took the time to let the man ask the question regarding the sign. He explained what he had done. He invested himself. He showed this man that he cared beyond the dollars he could have just tossed in the can. He met this man ‘face to face’ and allowed this man to experience God’s love in a very real and personal way. There was connection/ interaction.

    LORD, may we always intentionally connect when we are being Your love, Your hands, Your feet, Your mercy, Your grace, Your compassion…….

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